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dc.contributor.authorPopoola, O. I-
dc.contributor.authorAdegoke, J. A.-
dc.contributor.authorAlabi, O. O.-
dc.identifier.otherJournal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics 18, pp. 119-130-
dc.description.abstract"The phenomenon of deflection of flow of water in porous media of different porosities with porosity ratio, ᵠ, is similar to fact that there is deviation in fluid flow in a pair of media of different densities. Theoretically, the relationship between preferred direction of flow of water, 0, and the sand layers of porosity ratio,ᵠ was found to be cos 0=nᵠ while experimentally it was obtained to be cos 0=1.98 In ᵠ+1.13 (0.5951≤ᵠ≤0.9634). Thereafter, when the theoretical equation was compared with the experimental result, the value of n ranging from 0 to 1 were found to be appropriate for the theoretical equation to be valid "en_US
dc.titleModelling the flow of water in stratified layers of sanden_US
Appears in Collections:Scholarly works

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