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dc.contributor.authorAdedotun, M. A.-
dc.contributor.authorEniola, M. S.-
dc.contributor.authorOsowole, O. S.-
dc.identifier.otherJournal of the Nigeria Medical Rehabilitation Therapists 6(1), pp. 25-27-
dc.description.abstractThis study examines games and sports as indicators to physical and mental development of the visually impaired individuals using the survey design. Subjects for the study were randomly selected from two schools in Oyo and Lagos States. A set of questionnaire was used to collect data from the 50 subjects surveyed. Findings from the study show significant difference between (i) the visually impaired who participated in sports activities and those who did not; (ii) in independent travelling between visually impaired sportsmen and women and those who were not. But the third finding which was not significant show (iii) different in the technique used in teaching the blind that participated in sports and their sighted counterparts. The results also highlight some adaptation procedure and strategies for teaching physical education, games and sports to the visually impaired. Suggestions on improving visually impaired persons participation in games and sports were proffered.en_US
dc.titleGames and sports as indicators of physical and mental development of the visually impaired individualsen_US
Appears in Collections:Scholarly works

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