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dc.contributor.authorLawal, T. A.-
dc.contributor.authorAtalabi, O. M.-
dc.contributor.authorAdekanmi, A. J.-
dc.contributor.authorOgundoyin, O. O-
dc.identifier.otherWest African Journal of ultrasound 10,pp.1-5-
dc.description.abstractBackground: Intussesception is a mojor cuase of intestinal obstruction in children and can be treated operatively or non-operatively. Surgery is associated with mortality rates, in dveloping countries of 8.5% to 18%. Hydrostatic reduction is a cost effective treatment that can lower the mortality rate in resource poor settings. However, the teachnique is not widely performed inspite of the advantages. Objectives: We reviewed factors influencing the current practice of hydrostatic reduction of intussusception by radiologists in Nigeria. Materials and Methods: A survey of radiologists was conducted using structured self adminsitered questionnaires. Strenght of assocition between the practice of hydrostatic reduction and variables related to the workforce was evaluated using Fisher's exact test. Result: Fifty-one participants were studied. Three (18.8%) hospitals have at least one consultant radiologist focusing on pediatric surgeon or more. Hydrostatic reduction is practiced in hospitals with a radiologist with interest in pediatric radiology, (p=0.002). Lack of expertise was given as the main reason why hte other hospitals have not commenced the procedure.en_US
dc.titleFactors influencing the pratcie of hydrostatic reduction of intussusception amongst radiologists in a developing countryen_US
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