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dc.contributor.authorOludayo, O. G.-
dc.contributor.authorOnibokun, A.-
dc.identifier.otherAfrican Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 5(1), Pp. 25-30-
dc.description.abstractThis article outlines an exploratory survey to determine the existence and extent of harmful widowhood practices among widows and the subsequent health implications of such practices. A detailed questionnaire was administered to 210 widows with a response of 95.24%. Findings indicated that 83.5% and 56.5% of respondents were subjected to staying indoors and wearing of black dresses respectively. Similarly, widows were commonly subjected to confiscation of husband's goods and accused of having a hand in the husband's death, with a prevalence of 20% and 18% respectively. A significant relationship also exists between these harmful widowhood practices and the respondents' health. Of the respondents, 40.5% experienced absent-mindedness, while 56% had anxiety about children's future and 13.5% already had high blood pressure. Little or no help was received from the government or non-governmental organizations. There is a need for policies from all sectors of society to help ensure widows' welfareen_US
dc.publisherMark Allen Healthcare Ltden_US
dc.titleHealth implications of harmful widowhood practices in Nigeriaen_US
Appears in Collections:scholarly works

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