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Title: Protection of right to free primary education for children in Nigeria
Authors: Ekundayo, O.
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Description: This study explores the important issue of education delivery in Nigeria from within human rights perspectives. It analyses the scope of the right to free and compulsory primary education as laid down and reassured under international human rights law. It peruses the roles played by the respective actors responsible in the process of implementation of the right, including international funding bodies, international human rights agencies, the Nigerian state, regional institutions and the judiciary towards realising this right in Nigeria. The study examines the level of Nigeria's compliance with the right to free primary education, based on the international normative Standard by reviewing the extent to which primary education is free and compulsory to all children in Nigeria. It also investigates the barriers to the state's compliance with this right. Given that Nigeria is a state party to all international and regional human rights instruments providing for the right to education, it is deemed necessary (o compare the domestic legislation with Standards in relevant international and regional human rights instruments for realising the right to education. The study identifies the lacunae in the national laws, the difficulties encountered in the implementation of this important right and the possible ways of addressing the challenges ahead for the full realisation of this right. The thesis provides an invaluable insight into some of the steps that need to be taken for the right to free and compulsory education to have a significant impact on both policy and practical outcomes in Nigeria. By way of case studies, the thesis draws examples from two other jurisdictions in Africa, namely Ghana and Kenya, where fully free compulsory primary education has been successfully implemented so that Nigeria can derive from their experiences. The thesis offers a theoretical basis on which the assertion that children have a right to free and compulsory primary education may be grounded and an explanation of the social significance of making such an assertion and the need to implement it. It places the international instruments namely; Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (1CESCR), Convention on the Rights of (he Child (CRC), and the regional instruments: African Charter on Human and Peoples" Rights (ACHPR) and African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) within this framework. The principal objective of this study is to argue for the transformation of the exclusive privilege of education enjoyed currently by few lucky children in Nigeria into a legitimate and legal right to be enjoyed by all children in Nigeria
ISBN: 978-620-2-02935-3
Appears in Collections:scholarly works

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