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dc.contributor.authorOmokhodion, S. I.-
dc.contributor.authorBaiyeroju-Agbeja, A. M.-
dc.contributor.authorAdegboye, V. O.-
dc.contributor.authorAdeyemo, A.-
dc.contributor.authorLagunju, L. A.-
dc.identifier.otherNigerian Journal of Paediatrics 28(3), pp. 61-67-
dc.description.abstractA prospective cohort study of infants admitted into the Special Care Baby Unit, University College Hospital, Ibadan, has revealed a 24.5 per cent prevalence of patency of the ductus arteriosus (PDA) among 97 infants, who were admitted over a six-month period. The major factor predisposing to PDA was prematurity (p=0.014). A higher incidence of PDA (35 per cent) Was found among the preterm infants, and of these preterm infants, the very low birth weight (VLB'W') infants were found to be more highly susceptible to PDA (p=0.028). The mean birth weight of the preterm infants who developed PDA in the study was 1447g, while that of those without PDA was 1835g. There was no relationship between the sex of the infants and the development of PDA. A strong association was however, found between respiratory distress and PDA (p<0.0001). Nine of the hospital mortalities recorded occurred in the preterm infants and more than half of them (55.5 percent) had PDA Thus, prematurity is a risk factor for PDA and the presence of a PDA appears to increase the risk for mortality for such infants. Evidence for PDAshould be sought in all premature infants and prompt and aggressive management of those infants who show signs of decompensation from PDA is recommended to reduce mortality from this disease.en_US
dc.titlePatency of the ductus arteriosus in newborns: experience in a special care baby uniten_US
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