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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 172
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-12Impact of authentic leadership on employee well-being in commodity market: a case of Nigeria’s cocoa industryTayo, A. M.; Olajide, O.; Kutu, J. O.
2023Investigating learning skills and use of digital resources by undergraduates in Nigerian universities: a content analysis approachOtulugbu, D.
2023Comparative study of virtual methods used for library service delivery among librarians in Southern Nigeria private universitiesIlesanmi, T. C.
2020Use of social media space for library service delivery: evidence from Southern Nigeria UniversitiesIlesanmi, T. C.; Mabawonku, I.
2016-06Implementing digitization initiatives in university libraries in Nigeria, a backbone for achieving institutional repository (IR): Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan experience.Ojo, R. A.; Ilesanmi, T. C.
2019Technology facilitated best practices in digital preservation management: the experience of Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, NigeriaIlesanmi, T. C.
2012Library consortium: IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria experienceIlesanmi, T. C.
2017The concept of housing as it relates to financeObabori, A. O.; Ilesanmi, C. T.
2020Integration of information and communication technology into university knowledge management: the case of theses and dissertations collectionsIlesanmi, T. C.
2013Digitization of journal collections in libraries: a case study of Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, NigeriaIlesanmi, T. C.
2022Knowledge and students’ use of university repository: a theoretical reviewHamzat, S. A.; Ilesanmi, T. C.; Adekunjo, A. O.
2022The use of modern technology in controlling criminal activities in academic libraries: the case of Kenneth Dike Library and Obafemi Awolowo University LibraryOmoike, A. D.
2022Assessment of the roles of librarians in altmetrics: evidence from two Nigerian universitiesOtulugbu, D.
2022Appraising the level of competence, awareness and readiness of students in using ICT for learning in a distance learning environmentMamudu, P. A.
2017-02Examiners’ characteristics and attitude toward marking as determinants of knowledge of malpractice indicatorsAdeleke, J.O.; Ayanwale, A. M.
2013The impact of peer tutoring on librarians in training at the University of Ibadan, NigeriaOkoroma, F. N.
2020-12Copyright information resource management in Nigeria: and the way forwardOkoroma, F. N.
2017Factors influencing institutional repositories in some Universities in NigeriaOkoroma, F. N.
2018-07The impact of social media on library and information studies students at the University of Ibadan, NigeriaOkoroma, F. N.; Okafor, I. A.
2018-07The influence of cyberloafing on library and information studies students at the University of Ibadan, NigeriaOkoroma, F. N.; Okafor, I. A.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 172