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dc.contributor.authorNwokocha, E.E.-
dc.identifier.otherAfrican Population Studies 21(1), pp. 93-118-
dc.description.abstractThe prevalence of high maternal and infant morbidity/mortality among the Ibani of Rivers State, Nigeria, is linked to socio-cultural factors that influence perceptions, attitudes and practices of the people with regard to pregnancy. This study investigates the factors affecting pregnancy outcomes among the Ibani by examining 19 cases identified through Exit-interviews (EIs). Findings indicate that pregnancy outcomes depend on the interaction of complex variables such as male role, socioeconomic status of women, child spacing, access and use of maternal health facilities, among others. The results show that there are 4 principal types of pregnancy outcomes among the Ibani, which include: Type-1 representing maternal and infant survival; Type-2 which is synonymous with maternal survival but infant mortality; Type-3 or spontaneous abortion; and Type-4 which represents maternal mortality but infant survival. The findings suggest that multiple social, cultural and ideological factors condition behaviours among the Ibani and that pregnancy outcomes are only comprehensively understood in the context they occur.en_US
dc.titlePregnancy outcomes among the Ibani of Rivers State, Nigeria: findings from case-studiesen_US
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